Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The making of my magazine

This is me working on Indesign its an interesting process
this is just the start where i have written a few details about my film
and also a synopsis of the film. I have also created columns to split my
magazine up. This is just to create the outline of my magazine.

I have then developed the one above so that each column has boxes in to split up the writing of the review when i start it.

For this version of the making of my magazine i've had to move some of the boxes around as i am the only Crew in my film and repeating my name over and over doesn't look right. I would also prefer to write more for the review with the extra space i have

After long development and consideration this is my final piece of my magazine.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Experimenting with posters

After researching many posters i felt this poster from the film Precious has the style that would suit my film the most.
I've taken some ideas from it such as him looking alone and isolated in the centre of the photo and in precious he has big wings behind him which gives him an even more isolated feel. For my poster i have chosen to put Curtis in the centre as a small image and then to put his mum and dad and Colette behind him alot larger than him. I also thought it would be a good idea to make it more crowded behind him so i've chosen to put the London eye and Big Ben behind him too, to make him look even smaller.

Planning for my poster

These are two ideas for my final poster:

This is a rough outline of what i need to reshoot.

A powerpoint presenting my call sheets.

Some rough planning and detailed shot planning

MY shooting Schedule

One line schedule for each day

Scene summary for each scene

I created these on Celtx they will help me stay organised when shooting my film as they have each character on set for each scene as well as what props i will need for each of them.

permission from teachers to be able to film during these times

Scene 10

As i can see scene 10 is going to be a difficult scene to film
so i have done this story board in great detail so i can follow it
carefully when it comes to filming.

Scene 7

these are some story boards for scene 7 these are only rough

Scene 6

scene 4

Part of scene 2